Vibration Mock Test-2 : Practice test for GATE Aerospace-2022 by AERO GATE TOPPER - Aero Gate Topper

Vibration Mock Test-2 : Practice test for GATE Aerospace-2022 by AERO GATE TOPPER



Here is a quiz to help you prepare your upcoming GATE2022, ISROHAL exam. The GATE AE paper has several subjects, each one is equally important. However, one of the most important subjects in GATE AE is Vibrations. The subject is vast, but practice makes tackling it easy. 

This quiz contains important questions which match the pattern of the GATE, ISRO & HAL exams. Check your preparation level in every chapter of Vibrations for GATE by taking the quiz and comparing your ranks. Learn about Free vibration, forced vibration, vibration isolation, Resonance and more! 

To know whether you have achieved the required preparation or test your time management as per the question pattern within an exam environment, join these mock test. 


Vibration Mock Test 1- Click here

Vibration Mock test 2

C Programming Language Output this code Quizzes 1

1. A simple spring-mass vibrating system has a natural frequency of N. If the spring stiffness is halved and the mass doubled, then the natural frequency will be

2. While calculating the natural frequency of a spring-mass system, the effect of the mass of the spring is accounted for by adding X times its value of the mass, Where X is

3. Linear vibration analysis has the greatest advantage because of

4. The first critical speed of an automobile running on a sinusoidal road is calculated by (modelling it as a single degree of freedom system?

5. Critical speed is expressed as

6. The critical speed of shaft depends on

7. A circular cylinder of mass m and radius r is connected by a spring of modulus K. If it is free to roll on the rough horizontal surface without slipping, what will be its natural frequency (in rad/s)?

8. Rayleighs method of computing the fundamental natural frequency is based on?

9. When a rotor of mass 100 kg is mounted on a shaft, a bending deflection of 0.1 mm is observed at the place where the rotor is placed. What is the dangerous speed of the rotor?

10. A car mass 1450 kg is constructed on a chassis supported by four springs. Each spring has a force constant of 40000 Nm. The combined mass of the two people occupying the car is 150 kg. What is the period of execution of two complete vibrations?

11. The frequency of oscillation is the number of cycles per unit time described by the particle, given by the relation

12. A mass m attached to a light spring oscillates with a period of 2 seconds. If the mass is increased by 2 kg, the period increases by 1 second. The value of m is?

13. If the length of the cantilever beam is halved, the natural frequency of the mass M at the end of the cantilever beam of negligible mass is increased by factor of

14. The equation of free vibration of a system is X" + 64*π2*X = 0 . Its natural frequency would be

15. A mass m is suspended through a spring of stiffness K1 from a beam of bending stiffness K2 as shown in figure. if the mass is slightly displaced and left, then the frequency of oscillations in rad/s may be given as:


  1. Good work and very good site.
  2. Very good work
    Very useful site
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