Strength of Material Interview Related Questions Part-1 - Aero Gate Topper

Strength of Material Interview Related Questions Part-1

These questions are also helpful for your exam preparations and also your interview preparation like ISRO, DRDO, Research Interviews and all PSU's.


In this post I have answered some important Strength of material interview related questions. I think that it is useful for your preparation and boost your knowledge. These questions are also helpful for your exam preparations and also your interview preparation like ISRO, DRDO, Research Interviews and all PSU's.

Basic aerodynamics questions

Q.1 What you meant by strength & material in Strength of material?

In Strength of Material here strength means the property of the material. And material means the engineering material generally we study here on solid material.

Q.2 What is the difference between Solid and Fluid?

Main difference between due to applied load-


1. If we applied force on solid the solid molecular bond resist the force that's why here stress induced.

2. Basically in Strength of material strength term related to stress due to internal resistant in solid.

3. In solid stress induced due to force.


1. If we applied force on fluid/liquid the molecular of fluid is free (fluid don't resist the force)  that's why here not stress induced.

2. Stress in fluid due to molecular attraction that's known as viscosity.

3. In fluid Force induced due to shear stress.

Q.3 What is the difference between Stress and Pressure?

1. stress is ratio of internal resistance force to area.1. Pressure is the intermolecular collision in fluid.


3. Stress is tensile, compressive and shear nature.3. It is always Normal & Compressive nature.
4. Stress is depends on Force.4. Pressure doesn't depends on force. But force is depends on pressure.
5. Stress is output due to applied resistance force.5. Pressure force is output due to applied pressure.
6. stress is output.                6. Pressure is input.

Q.4 What is the difference between Stress and Strength?

1. It is variable term.1. It is constant for material (material property)
2. It depends on resistance load.3. It doesn't depends on applied load.
3. Unit- N/m^24. Unit- N/m^2
5. Stress is ratio of resistance force to area of cross-section.5. Maximum stress induced upto failure point.

Q.5 Why we study mild steel stress-strain diagram?

Because of that is very informative diagram. In this graph we study many type of strength -

1. Yield strength 

2. Ultimate strength 

3. Fracture/ Failure strength

Q.6 What do you mean by failure in engineering term?

Failures for engineering means far before fracture point. For engineering failure means yield point/ permanent deformation/ plastic deformation.

Q.7 If we applied force on a body will the stress induce in that or not?

May or may not be, When I applied a force if body resist the force then in the body stress will be induced.

But I applied a force if body freely move then in the body stress will be not induced. 


Q.8 What means by Elastic limit & Plastic limit?

Elastic limit:- It is that point upto which if we load the body, body will deform but when we remove the load body will comes in original position (shape & size) without any permanent deformation or residual strain.

Plastic limit:-  It is that point which if we load the body, body will deform but when we remove the load body will comes in original position (shape & size) with some kind of deformation or permanent deformation. That permanent deformation point called Yield Point.

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