System of Units

System of Units

There are however many units as there are autonomous amounts. We think about length, mass and time three amounts which are autonomous of one another. Consequently they have three separate units for their estimations. Henceforth it is needed to characterize frameworks of units. 

An arrangement of units is an assortment of units wherein certain units are picked as crucial and all others are gotten from them. This framework is additionally called a flat out arrangement of units. In the majority of the framework, the mass, the length and the time are viewed as essential amounts and their units are called as central units. Coming up next are a few frameworks of units which are in like manner use. 

CGS arrangement of units: The unit of length is centimeter (cm). The unit of mass is gram (g). The unit of time is second (s).

MKS arrangement of units: The unit of length is the meter (m). The unit of mass is the kilogram (kg). The unit of time is second (s). 

FPS arrangement of units: The unit of length is a foot (ft). The unit of mass is a pound (lb). The unit of time is second (s). This framework is not any more being used.

SI System of Units:

In the year 1960, the 11th General Meeting of Loads and Measures presented the Worldwide Arrangement of Units. The Worldwide Standard Association (ISO) and the Global Electrochemical Commission supported the framework in 1962. In October 1971 a substitution of the decimal standard of units was finished with another framework called System International Unites.

Fundamental Units:

SI unit, basic physics, Units, unit conversion, units, physics, basics of units, SI unit prefix, prefix, Physical constant in SI units, defined units.
SI-Units Table

 Fundamental QuantitySI unitSymbol
5.Electric currentAmpereA
6.Luminous intensityCandelaCd
7.Amount of substancemolemol

Besides these seven basic units, there are two supplementary units. S.I. unit for the plane angle is radian (rad) and that of solid angle is steradian (sd).

Supplementary Units:

 Fundamental QuantitySI UnitSymbol
1.Plane angleradianrad
2.Solid angleSteradiansd

This system of units is an improvement and extension of the traditional metric system. Now, this system of units has replaced all other systems of units in all branches of science, engineering, industry, and technology.


Guidelines for Writing SI Units and Their Symbols:

  • All units and their symbol should be written in small case letters e.g. centi-metres (cm), metre (m), kilogram per metre cube   (kg/m3). 
  • The units named after scientists are not written with a capital initial letter but its symbol is written in capital letter. Thus the unit of force is written as ‘newton’ or’ N’ and not as ‘Newton’.
  • Similarly unit of work and energy is joule (J), S.I. unit of electric current is ampere (A).
  • No full stop should be placed after the symbol.
  • Index notation should be used to write a derived unit. for example unit of velocity should be written as ms-1 instead of m/s.
  • No plural form of a unit or its symbol should be used. example 5 newtons should be written as 5 N and not as 5 Ns.
  • Some space should be maintained between the number and its unit.

    Advantages of SI System of Units:

    • Units are simple to express.
    • This system uses only one unit for one physical quantity. Hence it is a rational system of units.
    • Units of many physical quantities are related to each other through simple and elementary relationships For example 1 ampere = 1volt / 1 ohm.
    • It is a metric system of units. There is a decimal relationship between the units of the same quantity and hence it is possible
    •  to express any small or large quantity as a power of 10. i.e. interconversion is very easy. For e.g. 1kg = 1000 gm = 10³ gm.
    • The physical quantities can be expressed in terms of suitable prefixes.
    • A joule is a unit of all forms of energy and it is a unit of work. Hence it forms a link between mechanical and electrical units. Hence S.I. the system is a rational system because it uses only one unit for one physical quantity.
    • This system forms a logical and interconnected framework for all measurements in science, technology, and commerce.
    • All derived units can be obtained by dividing and multiplying the basic and supplementary units and no numerical factors are introduced as in another system of units. Hence S.I. system of units is a coherent system. Hence S.I. system of units is used worldwide.

      General Steps to find Derived Unit:

      • Step -1 Write the formula for the quantity whose unit is to be derived.
      • Step -2 Substitute units of all the quantities in one system of units in their fundamental or standard form.
      • Step -3 Simplify and obtain derive unit of the quantity.
      Example: To find the unit of acceleration.
      Acceleration is a derived quantity. Hence its unit is derived unit.
      The acceleration is given by, Acceleration = Velocity/time
      S.I. unit of Acceleration = S.I. unit of Velocity/ S.I. unit of time = m/s2
      Where S.I. unit of velocity is m/s & S.I. unit of time is s.
      Thus S.I. unit of acceleration is m/s2

      SI defined units

      QuantityUnitDefining Equation
      Capacitance  farad, F1 F = 1 A s/V 
      Electrical resistanceohm, Ω1 Ω = 1 V/A
      Force newton, N1 N 1 kg m/s2
      Potential differencevolt, V1 V = 1 W/A
      Powerwatt, W1 W = 1 J/s
      Pressurepascal, Pa1 Pa = 1 N/m2
      Temperaturekelvin, KK = °C + 273.15
      Work, heat, energyjoule, J1 J = 1 N m

       Prefixes Used in SI System:



      Physical constants in SI units:

      -gc1.00000 kg m N-1 s-2
      Avogadro constantN6.022169 x 1026 kmol-1
      Boltzmann constant1.380622 x 1023 J K-1
      First radiation constant C1=2πhc23.741844 x 10-16 W m2
      Planck constant h6.626196 x 10-34 J s
      Second radiation constant  C2=hc/k1.438833 x 10-2 m K
      Stefan-Boltzmann constant σ5.66961 x10-8 W m-2 K-4 
      Speed of light in a vacuum  c2.997925 x 108 m s-1

      Conversion factors: 

      Physical QuantitySymbolConversion Factor

      1ft2=0.0920 m2

      1in.2= 6.452 x 10-4 m2


      1 lbm /ft3 = 16.018 kg/m3

      1 slug/ft3 = 515.379 kg/m3

      Energy, heatQ1 Btu = 1055.1 J
      1 cal = 4.186 J
      1 (ft)(lbm) = 1.3558 J
      1 (hp)(h) = 2.685 x
       106 J
      ForceF1 lbm = 4.448 N
      LengthL1 ft = 0.3048 m
      1 in. = 2.54 cm = 0.0254 m
      1 mile = 1.6093 km = 1609.3 m
      Massm1 lbm = 0.4536 kg
      1 slug = 14.594 kg
      mass flow rate

      1 lbm/h = 0.000126 kg/s
      1 lbm/s = 0.4536 kg/s
      PowerP1 hp = 745.7 W
      1 (ft)(lbf)/s = 1.3558 W
      1 Btu/s = 1055.1 W
      1 Btu/h = 0.293 W
      PressureP1 lbf/in. = 6894.8 N/m2 (Pa)
      1 lbf/ft = 47.88 N/m2 (Pa)
      1 atm = 101,325 N/m2 (Pa)
      VolumeV1 ft3 = 0.02832 m3
      1 in.3 = 1.6387 x 10-5 m3
      1 gal (U.S. liq.) = 0.003785 m3

      Kinematic Viscosityν1 ft2/s = 0.0929 m2/s
      1 ft2/h = 2.581 x
       10-5 m2/s

      Dynamic Viscosityμ1 lbm/(ft)(s) = 1.488 N s/m2
      1 centipoise = 0.00100 N s/m2

      VelocityU1 ft/s = 0.3048 m/s
      1 mph = 0.44703 m/s

      TemperatureTT(°R) = (9/5)T(K)
      T(°F) = [T(°C)](9/5) + 32
      T(°F) = [T(K) - 273.15](9/5) + 32



      1. This overall description is really good... But there is a problem that practice test is not opening

        1. Thank you dear...I'll check it and trying to solve it soon.


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