Strength of Material Mock Test-1 | Practice test for GATE Aerospace-2022 by AERO GATE TOPPER - Aero Gate Topper

Strength of Material Mock Test-1 | Practice test for GATE Aerospace-2022 by AERO GATE TOPPER


 Strength of Material 

Here is a quiz to help you prepare your upcoming GATE2022, ISROHAL exam. The GATE AE paper has many subjects, everyone is equally important. However, one of the most important subjects in GATE AE is Strength of materials. The subject is large, but practice makes braving it easy. 

This quiz contains important questions which match the pattern of the GATE, ISRO & HAL exams. Check your preparation level in every chapter of Strength of materials for GATE by taking the quiz and comparing your ranks. Learn about Stress, Strain , Shaft, Buckling and more! 

To know whether you have achieved the required preparation or test your time management as per the question pattern within an exam environment, join these mock test. 

Strength of material mock test

Strength of Material Mock test 1

C Programming Language Output this code Quizzes 1

1. For a body subjected to direct stresses σx, σy and σz the direct strain ϵx in x direction is (where E and γ are Young's Modulus and Poisson's ratio respectively)

2. For a case of a slender column of length L and flexural rigidity EI inbuilt its at bottom and free at the top, the Euler's critical buckling load is

3. A circular shaft subjected to torsion undergoes a twist of 1° during a length of 120cm. if the maximum shear stress induced is limited to 1000kg/cm^2 and if modulus of rigidity G=0.8*10^6 Kg/cm^2, then the radius of the shaft should be

4. A hollow shaft of same cross-sectional area as solid shaft transmits

5. The extension of a mild steel bar 4m long, 2000 mm^2 cross section under the action of an axial load 20KN, if E=2*10^5 N/mm^2, is

6. In I section shear load is resisted mainly by

7. Shear force is

8. Maximum shear stress in Mohr's circle is equal to

9. If a material expands freely due to increasing temperature it will develop

10. When a column is fixed at both ends, corresponding Euler's critical load is

11. A metal pipe of 1m diameter contains a fluid having a pressure of 10kgf/cm^2. If the permissible tensile stress is 200 kgf/cm^2, then the thickness of the metal needed for creating the pipe would be

12. Circumferential and longitudinal strains in the cylindrical boiler under internal steam pressure are ϵ1 and ϵ2 respectively. Change in the volume per unit volume will be

13. Couple M is applied at C on a simply supported beam AB> The maximum shear on AC will be

14. The given figure shows the shear force diagram for the beam ABCD. Bending moment in the section BC of the beam

15. A beam is hinge-supported at its ends and is shown om the figure. The magnitude of latitudinal force at a section x of the beam is

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