DRDO Interview Questions for Aerospace Engineering Part- 2 - Aero Gate Topper

DRDO Interview Questions for Aerospace Engineering Part- 2

Aerospace Interview Questions to Help You Prepare for DRDO, ISRO, and Other Competitive Exams
Q: Can you explain the concept of specific impulse in rocket propulsion and its significance in determining rocket performance?
A: Specific impulse (often denoted as "Isp") is a fundamental concept in rocket propulsion that plays a important role in determining the performance and efficiency of a rocket engine. It's a measure of how effectively a rocket engine can convert the propellant's mass flow rate into thrust.
Q: What are the different propellant compositions commonly used in rocket engines, and how do they affect the overall performance of the rocket?
A: Rocket engines use various propellant compositions to generate thrust. These propellants are typically a combination of fuels and oxidizers that undergo chemical reactions to produce the hot gases expelled at high speeds to create thrust. 1. Liquid Bipropellant 2. Solid Propellant 3. Hybrid Propellant 4. Cryogenic Propellant Propellant composition affects several aspects of rocket performance: a. Specific Impulse b. Thrust c. Storability and Handling d. Toxicity and Environmental Impact
Q: Can you explain the different types of drag encountered by a body moving through a fluid? How do they differ from each other?
A: Drag is the force that opposes the motion of a body as it moves through a fluid (such as air or water). There are several types of drag encountered by a body in fluid motion, each resulting from different physical mechanisms. These types of drag are: 1. Pressure Drag:It is occurs due to the pressure difference between the front and rear sides of an object moving through a fluid. 2. Skin-Friction Drag: It is caused by the viscosity of the fluid. 3. Induced Drag: It is a byproduct of generating lift, such as in the case of an aircraft's wings. When an airfoil generates lift. It also creates a vortex at its wingtips. This vortex generates additional drag that opposes the aircraft's motion. 4. Wave Drag: It generates due shockwaves and pressure waves. 5. Parasitic Drag: It is a combination of pressure drag, friction drag, and other non-lift-related drags.
Q: When measuring drag for flow across a sphere, what experimental techniques or methods are commonly employed?
A: Measuring drag for flow across a sphere involves a range of experimental techniques and methods that aim to accurately quantify the forces and characteristics of the flow. Here are some commonly employed techniques: 1. Force Balance (Wind Tunnel Testing) 2. Pressure Tap Measurements 3. Hot-Wire Anemometry 4. Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) 5. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) 6. Boundary Layer Measurements
Q: How does the Reynolds number affect the drag coefficient for flow across a sphere? Explain the relationship between these two parameters.
A: The Reynolds number has a substantial impact on the drag coefficient for flow across a sphere. At low Reynolds numbers, the drag coefficient is relatively constant and low due to laminar flow behavior. As the Reynolds number increases and the flow becomes more turbulent, the drag coefficient increases significantly due to the formation of larger wake regions and increased pressure drag. The specific relationship between Reynolds number and drag coefficient varies depending on the flow regime and the sphere's characteristics, but understanding this relationship is crucial for predicting and optimizing the behavior of objects moving through a fluid.
Q: Can you explain the concept of critical buckling load in the context of column buckling experiments?
A: In the context of column buckling experiments, the critical buckling load is a fundamental concept that describes the point at which a slender column under axial compression becomes unstable and starts to buckle or deform laterally. This is a crucial consideration in structural engineering, especially when designing columns or members that support axial loads, like the columns in buildings, bridges, or other structures. The critical buckling load is the maximum axial load that a column can withstand without buckling occurring. It's the point at which the column transitions from a stable state to an unstable state.
Q: What are some common methods used to measure and analyze the buckling behavior of columns?
A: Measuring and analyzing the buckling behavior of columns is a critical aspect of structural engineering and materials science. Understanding how columns behave under axial compression is essential for designing safe and efficient structures. Here are some common methods used to measure and analyze the buckling behavior of columns: 1. Experimental Testing 2. Buckling Test 3. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) 4. Analytical Solution 5. Numerical Simulation 6. Theoritical Models
Q: In steady level flight, which direction does the thrust of an aircraft act in relation to its motion?
A: In steady level flight, the thrust of an aircraft acts forward in the same direction as its motion. In steady level flight, four main forces are: 1. Thrust 2. Drag 3. Lift 4. Weight
Q: How does the angle of attack affect lift and drag during steady level flight?
A: during steady level flight, the angle of attack has a direct impact on lift and drag: Increasing the angle of attack initially increases lift due to increased pressure difference. Beyond a certain point (critical angle of attack), the airflow separation reduces lift and can decrease drag. Beyond the critical angle of attack, lift continues to decrease while drag increases significantly due to flow separation effects.

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