DRDO Interview Questions for Aerospace Engineering Part- 2 - Aero Gate Topper

DRDO Interview Questions for Aerospace Engineering Part- 2

Hello everyone! Welcome to our blog, where I'll be sharing valuable insights about interview questions related to Aerospace Engineering in DRDO......


       Hello everyone! Welcome to our blog, where I'll be sharing valuable insights about interview questions related to Aerospace Engineering in DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organization). If you have aspirations to work in defense research and development, cracking a DRDO interview is a significant achievement. In this article, I'll provide you with essential information about DRDO interviews and offer some interview questions to assist you during your interview. Let's get started!

         In this article, I have included a selection of questions and provided details about the interview process. If you choose not to pursue a Master's degree after GATE, the questions will focus on your bachelor's subject, area of interest, and your B.Tech project & seminar. However, if you pursue a Master's degree after GATE, the questions will revolve around your specialization. For those in their final year or who have completed their final year, they will mainly inquire about your MTP (Major Technical Project), covering various aspects of your project.

         During the interview, they typically don't ask direct questions about your project but assess your understanding of the project's concepts. Additionally, many questions are application-based and relate to your project.

         DRDO INTERVIEW QUESTION:- Read More Click Here

For those who have transitioned from Aerospace to a different department during their Master's, here are some other questions they may encounter.

1.   1. How thick is the shock wave?

2.   2. Can you provide the Cl versus alpha curve for both thin and thick airfoils?

3.   3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of thin and thick airfoils?

4.    4. How far apart is the bow shock from the object?

5.    5. Could you explain reflective shock waves?



6.  6. If we analyze the path of a particle associated with a cylindrical body in 2D for different Reynolds numbers, what type of path does the particle follow? Can you illustrate it?

7.   7. What is the definition of degree of freedom, and how can it be explained?

8.   8. Could you clarify the concept of mode shape?

9.   9. What does Lambda (λ) represent in the spring-mass equation?

10 10. What is the physical meaning or significance of Lambda (λ)?

11 11. Can you explain the physical interpretation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors?

12 12. Draw the stress-strain curve for steel and aluminum?


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