Coding-Decoding MSQ's Question and Answer - Aero Gate Topper

Coding-Decoding MSQ's Question and Answer



Coding-decoding type MCQ's questions ask in many different exam like HAL, GOVT. & Technical exams etc. We have collect some types of pattern based question collect for practice. Here we will be learn about coding decoding questions.

1. If in a certain code language ‘HOMEWORK‘ is written as ‘KROWEMOH’ . How will ‘PERFECT’ be written in that language?

... Answer is D)

2. If in a certain code language ‘SYSTEM’ is written ‘SYSMET’, ‘NEARER’ is written as ‘AENRER’ ,then how ‘FRACTION’ be written in that language?

... Answer is A)

3. If in a certain code language ‘CHOLINE’ is written as ‘OCIHLEN’, then how will ‘SURGEN’ be written in that language?

... Answer is D)
None of these

4. If ‘SWAMINATHAN’ is coded as ‘NAHTANIMAWS’ in a certain code language, then how would you code ‘SIGNATURE’ in that language?

... Answer is D)

5. In a certain code language ‘BREAKDOWN’ is written as ‘NWODKAERB’ ,then how will ‘TRIANGLES’ be written in that language?

... Answer is C)

6. If in a certain code language ‘BRIGHT’ is written as ‘CSJHIU’, then how will ‘PUNTER’ be written in that language?

... Answer is D)

7. If in a certain code language ‘COLD’ is written as ‘DPME’, then how will ‘CHINA’ be written in that language?

... Answer is C)

8. If in a certain code language ‘MARCH’ is written as ‘OCTEJ’ then how will ‘RETURN’ be written in that language?

... Answer is C)

9. If in a certain code language ‘EARTH’ is written as ‘JVTCG’, then how will ‘GLOBE’ be written in that language?

... Answer is A)

10. If in a certain code language ‘BUTTER’ is written as ‘ CVUUFS’ and ‘BREAD’, is written as ‘CSFBE’ then how will ‘ COFFEE’ be written in that code language?

... Answer is A)

11. If ‘HAPPY’ is written as ‘IBQQZ’ in a certain code then how would ‘SORROW’ be written in that code?

... Answer is D)
None of these

12. In a certain code ‘RAIN’ is written as ‘TCKP’. How is ‘CLOUD’, written in that code?

... Answer is A)

13. If in a certain code language ‘CLUB’ is written as ‘XOFY’, ‘NOT’ is written as ‘MLG’, then will ‘PUNCTUAL’ be written in that code language?

... Answer is C)

14. If in a certain code language ‘NATURAL’ is written ‘MZGFIZO’, then how will ‘CARE’ be written in that language?

... Answer is A)

15. If in a certain code language ‘RASHAMI’ is written as ‘IZHSNR’ then what word will be written for ‘MVVGZ’?

... Answer is B)

16. If in a certain code language ‘TIGER’ is written as ‘GRTVI’, then what word will be written for ‘HMZPV’?

... Answer is D)

17. If in a certain code language ‘LAP’ is coded as ‘KMZBOQ’ then how will ‘NOTE’ be written in that code?

... Answer is D)

18. If in a certain code language ‘RAM’ is written as ‘QSZBLN’, ‘LOVE’ is written as ‘KMNPUWDF’ . Then how will ‘ACT’ be written as?

... Answer is A)

19. If in a certain code language ‘REFORM’ is written as ‘426349’ and ‘FORMULA’ is written as ‘6349871’ Then how will ‘MULE’ be written in that language?

... Answer is C)

20. If in a certain code language ‘GRADUATE’ is written as ‘2092623626722’ then how will ‘ARIHANT’ be written in that language?

... Answer is A)

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