Vibration Mock Test - 1 | Practice test for GATE Aerospace-2022 by AERO GATE TOPPER - Aero Gate Topper

Vibration Mock Test - 1 | Practice test for GATE Aerospace-2022 by AERO GATE TOPPER



Here is a quiz to help you prepare your upcoming GATE2022, ISROHAL exam. The GATE AE paper has several subjects, each one is equally important. However, one of the most important subjects in GATE AE is Vibrations. The subject is vast, but practice makes tackling it easy. 

This quiz contains important questions which match the pattern of the GATE, ISRO & HAL exams. Check your preparation level in every chapter of Vibrations for GATE by taking the quiz and comparing your ranks. Learn about Free vibration, forced vibration, vibration isolation, Resonance and more! 

To know whether you have achieved the required preparation or test your time management as per the question pattern within an exam environment, join these mock test. 


Vibration Mock test 1

C Programming Language Output this code Quizzes 1

1. A suspension system of mass 60 kg consists of a leaf spring of stiffness 3.9 kN/m and a damper of damping coefficient 400 N.s/m. Damping factor and damped natural frequency respectively are:

2. A spring-mass-damper system has a damping factor of 1.5. What is the transmissibility when the system is at resonance?

3. The magnification factor of a spring-mass-damper system is found to be 15 at resonance. What is the damping ratio of the system?

4. What is the logarithmic decrement of a system with equation of motion is 3ẍ+7ẋ+5x=0.

5. A mass of 40 kg is connected as shown with k = 9 N/mm. What is the natural frequency of the system in Hz.

6. A spring-mass system of stiffness 20 N/mm and mass of 120 kg is as shown. Natural frequency of the system decreases when

7. The static deflection of the spring connected to a mass of 10 kg lying on an inclined plane of inclination 30° is 2 mm. What is the stiffness of the spring?

8. A spring of stiffness 200 N/m is cut into four equal parts and arranged as shown. What is the resulting stiffness of the system?

9. Consider a car of mass 1200 kg with a ground clearance of 390 mm supported by four springs of equal stiffness of 9 kN/m as shown. What will be the deflection at static condition?

10. Determine the natural frequency of the given system shown below

11. The frequency (circular) of vibration of the system shown in figure, if S1 = S2 = S will be (S = stiffness of the springs)

12. A vibrating system consists of a mass of 30 kg, a spring of stiffness 30 kN/m and a damper. The damping provided is only 15% of the critical value. The natural frequency of damped vibrations in rad/sec is?

13. A vibratory system consists of a spring of stiffness 5 N/mm and a mass of 10 kg. Mass of spring is 3 kg. The natural frequency of the system in rad/sec is

14. The critical speed of a rotating shaft depends upon

15. The amplitude reduction over 4 cycles of a viscous damped system is found to be 9.4. What is the viscous damping factor of the system?

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